Theme Week...ish...
Well know how sometimes you tell yourself that you're going to do something...or start doing something...or get back into doing something...and then you promptly fall back in the same old lazy patterns? Well welcome back to The Daily Shirt!
So here's the deal... I'm going to start - right this very! - another theme week that I've been kicking around for a little while now, in the hopes that it jump starts more frequent, regular (ha!) posting on Ye Ald Shirt.
You've missed it; I've missed doing it; and the damn shirt just won't shut up about it, so here we go...
And what is this theme week, you might be axing yourself? Well it's none other than...
So here's the deal... I'm going to start - right this very! - another theme week that I've been kicking around for a little while now, in the hopes that it jump starts more frequent, regular (ha!) posting on Ye Ald Shirt.
You've missed it; I've missed doing it; and the damn shirt just won't shut up about it, so here we go...
And what is this theme week, you might be axing yourself? Well it's none other than...
Rehab Week !!!
And the first honour is bestowed upon a hollywood party girl; she's known to have both a temper AND repeated instances of public nudity back in the days of hitting the sauce; supposedly she's been in some movies or something (I can't think of any, and can't be bothered to go to Wiki to find any); and now she's drying out only getting high on life.
Say hello to The (hopefully more frequent) Daily Shirt!

Say hello to The (hopefully more frequent) Daily Shirt!