The Right Honourable Snowman
Well, look at what we have here, The Shirtmaster has decided to shirtmaster his way up to the blogulator, and turn the crank, pull the lever, feed the chinchillas, sacrifice the goat AND submit to the retinal scan just to make a December 1st post.
A funny thing happens around here come this, the oneth day of twelfthst month; see, it's become apparent that Frank operates on 'mall time.'
What is this mall time, and how can I set my VCR to it, you may, but probably aren't asking?
Mall time is the countdown to the 25th of December, and the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Santa Claus. Now, depending on what 'mall timezone' you're in, this can begin anywhere from the day after Halloween (which, of course, commemorates the birth of Satan and Vanilla Ice...coincidence???) to the day after American thanksgiving (where, of course, they give thanks that the pilgrims had superiour firepower with which to decimate the native population).
Anyway, this means that starting today, Frank will play holiday music and indulge in holiday themes, all the way up to our Xmas break.
Joy of joys.
Hence today's Daily Shirt. Now, your Shirtguide wasn't sure what today's head was, but apparently it's a holiday themed monstrosity that Santa sent as his envoy to bring a train set to Jesus (even though his Xmas list specifically asked for a Transformer). Regardless. This has something to do with the holidays. As will most of the rest of the posts for this month. Another theme week, perhaps. Nope, just got lazy there for a bit.
A funny thing happens around here come this, the oneth day of twelfthst month; see, it's become apparent that Frank operates on 'mall time.'
What is this mall time, and how can I set my VCR to it, you may, but probably aren't asking?
Mall time is the countdown to the 25th of December, and the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Santa Claus. Now, depending on what 'mall timezone' you're in, this can begin anywhere from the day after Halloween (which, of course, commemorates the birth of Satan and Vanilla Ice...coincidence???) to the day after American thanksgiving (where, of course, they give thanks that the pilgrims had superiour firepower with which to decimate the native population).
Anyway, this means that starting today, Frank will play holiday music and indulge in holiday themes, all the way up to our Xmas break.
Joy of joys.
Hence today's Daily Shirt. Now, your Shirtguide wasn't sure what today's head was, but apparently it's a holiday themed monstrosity that Santa sent as his envoy to bring a train set to Jesus (even though his Xmas list specifically asked for a Transformer). Regardless. This has something to do with the holidays. As will most of the rest of the posts for this month. Another theme week, perhaps. Nope, just got lazy there for a bit.

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