Gnomes and cauliflower
Something occured to me as I shirtmastered my way into work this morning.
See, around these parts, the big build-up to the shoptacular extravaganza known as the Xmas holiday is the my place of employment/amusement shuts down for darn near two weeks; my co-workers scattering to the ends of the earth in search of riches and artifacts of a by-gone era. But mostly they see family and friends...and hunt gnomes.
But this means that since I, up to this point, have updated The Daily Shirt exculsively from the office, I'm gonna...I'm gonna have to do it from elsewhere. This is troublesome.
Now, like most people, while I have my comforable little patterns, I'm not adverse to changing things up occasionally. But this might just cross the pink, flowered line.
Some places just a certain magic that ceaselessly inspires - for better or for worse. So, I guess what I'm getting at - aside from my disdain for cauliflower (you know were tight, other veggies; but cauliflower, you've got to go) - is that I indeed am apprehensive about quality of the non-workplace Daily Shirt updates.
Well...not really. But it did give me something to write about before revealing the shirt. It's like xmas came early...minus all the hurt feelings.
See, around these parts, the big build-up to the shoptacular extravaganza known as the Xmas holiday is the my place of employment/amusement shuts down for darn near two weeks; my co-workers scattering to the ends of the earth in search of riches and artifacts of a by-gone era. But mostly they see family and friends...and hunt gnomes.
But this means that since I, up to this point, have updated The Daily Shirt exculsively from the office, I'm gonna...I'm gonna have to do it from elsewhere. This is troublesome.
Now, like most people, while I have my comforable little patterns, I'm not adverse to changing things up occasionally. But this might just cross the pink, flowered line.
Some places just a certain magic that ceaselessly inspires - for better or for worse. So, I guess what I'm getting at - aside from my disdain for cauliflower (you know were tight, other veggies; but cauliflower, you've got to go) - is that I indeed am apprehensive about quality of the non-workplace Daily Shirt updates.
Well...not really. But it did give me something to write about before revealing the shirt. It's like xmas came early...minus all the hurt feelings.

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