The Daily Shirt

Putting faces on a stupid ugly shirt since 2006

Monday, November 27, 2006

Something to sink your teeth into

What's going on, Shirtentologists?

It's riddle time!

What one thing is a bull, nurse, tiger, angel, carpet, whale, dog, cow, rough, prickly, saw, horned, ground, requiem, cat, makrel goblin, megamouth, leopard, frill, arrowhead?

No, it's not a bullnursetigercarpetwhaledogcowroughpricklysaw-opotomus.

Nor is it a hornedgroundrequiemcatmakrelgoblinmegamouthleopardfrillarrowhead-asauraus.

Why, it's today's Daily Shirt!

(Yeah, I know; that question requires a little bit of intellectual dishonesty for it to work. Sorry. Needed to blogify - and quick, today - so that's the best I can do... But if it makes you feel any better, Shirty itself is pretty upset about being the star of such a crappy post. Sometimes a Shirtmaster just can't win...)


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