A load of BS
A strange thing happens to celebrities, and I fear that Shirty - even in it's vast Shirtological wisdom - isn't immune to the cult of personality that forms around otherwise unremarkable folks who just happen to have their stars align once, and then spend the rest of their existence in pursuit of past glory - all the while providing solid distractions for the rest of the world that enables bad people to do bad things under the cover of widespread public ignorance.
Case in point: Today's Daily Shirt. Here we have a person who can't even almost drop a baby without the world freaking out. Why is this important? People almost drop babies everyday. How does some famous person - driving with an infant on their lap - provide anything of value to one's day? These are empty calories for the mind. And we all know what happens to empty calories for the mind; they all go directly to the mind's thigh, resulting in the condition known as fat-head brain-bloatitis. It's true. Saw it on Wikipedia, I did... But don't worry; I'm sure Pfizer will have a slick commercial dealing with this condition in no time.
So what's the point of all this? Ummm...did you miss the title of this post?!? Oh, and the pic is some highly-paid BS too... Seeya tomorrow!
Case in point: Today's Daily Shirt. Here we have a person who can't even almost drop a baby without the world freaking out. Why is this important? People almost drop babies everyday. How does some famous person - driving with an infant on their lap - provide anything of value to one's day? These are empty calories for the mind. And we all know what happens to empty calories for the mind; they all go directly to the mind's thigh, resulting in the condition known as fat-head brain-bloatitis. It's true. Saw it on Wikipedia, I did... But don't worry; I'm sure Pfizer will have a slick commercial dealing with this condition in no time.
So what's the point of all this? Ummm...did you miss the title of this post?!? Oh, and the pic is some highly-paid BS too... Seeya tomorrow!

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