Fallen from grace (Part II)
We're fast-tracking today's Daily Shirt to the front of the queue, cause, well, it's timely. Makes sense - unlike the decision to run one's mouth about a particularly sensitive topic when one already has developed something of a reputation of having - shall we say - pretty extreme viewpoints on this particular topic.
Now, regardless of what side one stands on the Lebanon invasion or myriad other topics involving Jews, Judaism or Isreali policies toward their neighbours, it should be obvious to all that drunken comments by a public figure at this particularly sensitive time only inflames an already spiraling-out-of-control humanitarian disaster. The crazies in charge of the world (yes, I'm talking to you, US and Isreali administrations and their synchophants) can point to this as the ravings of a lunatic (no dispute there), given traction by the 'liberal media' (which I'll dispute any day of the week); meanwhile the various nutjob factions out there can look at this with quiet approval, as someone makes themselves a mouthpiece for their views to the public at large.
So, consider today's shirting a reprimand; a way for this little corner of the web to smack a little sense into an aforementioned nutjob. If you didn't think you looked like a fool before, you certainly do now.
Now go stand in the corner, Mel Gibson, and think about what you've done.

(Sorry about the above rant; I understand that these blog things are full of people spouting off about any number of things - is this some small way to feel like one is being heard, in a world where individual voices aren't heard no matter what we're led to believe? - and this blog is intended to be fun. So, tomorrow, I promise that we're bringin' back the funny. Stay tuned.)
Now, regardless of what side one stands on the Lebanon invasion or myriad other topics involving Jews, Judaism or Isreali policies toward their neighbours, it should be obvious to all that drunken comments by a public figure at this particularly sensitive time only inflames an already spiraling-out-of-control humanitarian disaster. The crazies in charge of the world (yes, I'm talking to you, US and Isreali administrations and their synchophants) can point to this as the ravings of a lunatic (no dispute there), given traction by the 'liberal media' (which I'll dispute any day of the week); meanwhile the various nutjob factions out there can look at this with quiet approval, as someone makes themselves a mouthpiece for their views to the public at large.
So, consider today's shirting a reprimand; a way for this little corner of the web to smack a little sense into an aforementioned nutjob. If you didn't think you looked like a fool before, you certainly do now.
Now go stand in the corner, Mel Gibson, and think about what you've done.

(Sorry about the above rant; I understand that these blog things are full of people spouting off about any number of things - is this some small way to feel like one is being heard, in a world where individual voices aren't heard no matter what we're led to believe? - and this blog is intended to be fun. So, tomorrow, I promise that we're bringin' back the funny. Stay tuned.)
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