Fallen from grace (Part I)
Welcome back! I hope the guards weren't too rough...
Today's Daily Shirt seems sooooo 1999. You remember 1999, don't you? The year before the Y2K bug broke the world. If I remember correctly, it took a good 3 or 4 whole nanoseconds to recover from that one. Those were desperate times full of desperate people desperately being desperate about desperation.
It was also the year that the Euro was introduced, Stephen King was hit by a car, and, who can forget, Jorge Batlle being elected President of Uruguay? I know I can't. All around good times - except for Stephen King. That didn't work out so well.
Oh, and the Earth was destroyed when the sun supernova-ed.
That sucked too.
But anyway, back to the topic at hand; Shirty's was just saying the other day how it had never been to prison, so it figured the best it could do is take on the face of a jail-bird. I mean, what kind of trouble could a shirt get into in the first place, to land itself a spot in the bighouse? Well, aside from taking on the face of a copywritten image like Mickey Mouse (oops!) or slandering a public figure like GWB (whoops!)...
Yeah...so anyway, here you go...
Today's Daily Shirt seems sooooo 1999. You remember 1999, don't you? The year before the Y2K bug broke the world. If I remember correctly, it took a good 3 or 4 whole nanoseconds to recover from that one. Those were desperate times full of desperate people desperately being desperate about desperation.
It was also the year that the Euro was introduced, Stephen King was hit by a car, and, who can forget, Jorge Batlle being elected President of Uruguay? I know I can't. All around good times - except for Stephen King. That didn't work out so well.
Oh, and the Earth was destroyed when the sun supernova-ed.
That sucked too.
But anyway, back to the topic at hand; Shirty's was just saying the other day how it had never been to prison, so it figured the best it could do is take on the face of a jail-bird. I mean, what kind of trouble could a shirt get into in the first place, to land itself a spot in the bighouse? Well, aside from taking on the face of a copywritten image like Mickey Mouse (oops!) or slandering a public figure like GWB (whoops!)...
Yeah...so anyway, here you go...

At 9:53 AM,
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