Guess what happens in 17,884,545.4 years
According to, the current projected population of the world is 6,527,859,090 (as of 07/12/06 at 14:29 GMT) .
This means that, as of just about right now, there are only 17,884,545.4 years left of The Daily Shirt before we run out of faces. This assumes that in the next 18 million-or-so years that we'll all still be here and that there will be no births or deaths during that time. Completely reasonable, we can all agree...
I know. It's scary. We're witnessing the end of The Daily Shirt. In less than 18 million years...that's it. It's done.
But all is not lost. In that count, not included are other faces that could realistically show up on Shirty - as we've seen, the currently dead, like Elvis, or fictional creations like Mickey Mouse or Stephen Harper are fair game. So, that buys us, what? What's the count on all those (for whom we have pictures) who have come before, as well as copywritten intellectual property? We'll just assume that it's about 100 or so... So that's another 3 and a bit months - plus 18 million years. It's like it's right around the corner.
Here's today's contribution...
This means that, as of just about right now, there are only 17,884,545.4 years left of The Daily Shirt before we run out of faces. This assumes that in the next 18 million-or-so years that we'll all still be here and that there will be no births or deaths during that time. Completely reasonable, we can all agree...
I know. It's scary. We're witnessing the end of The Daily Shirt. In less than 18 million years...that's it. It's done.
But all is not lost. In that count, not included are other faces that could realistically show up on Shirty - as we've seen, the currently dead, like Elvis, or fictional creations like Mickey Mouse or Stephen Harper are fair game. So, that buys us, what? What's the count on all those (for whom we have pictures) who have come before, as well as copywritten intellectual property? We'll just assume that it's about 100 or so... So that's another 3 and a bit months - plus 18 million years. It's like it's right around the corner.
Here's today's contribution...
At 2:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ahh!! the Tutman. He looks so natural and alive
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