Oh man...I got totally (ship)wrecked!
Today's Daily Shirt is a little obscure. Not so obscure that you'd have to know Jimmy's little brother - jimmy - to know the face. But obscure enough so that a number of people who typically pass by Shirty on any given day, and exclaim "oh! It's ______ today!" actually walked by, stopped, and pondered for a minute who this vaguely familiar face staring back at them was.
I'm not sure if that makes Shirty more fun or not.
For there's just something utterly ridiculous about seeing Darth Vader or Stephen Harper on Shirty; instantly recognisable faces in a context heretofore unknown.
But, what I do know is that it's really cold in here.
What does that have to do with today's Daily Shirt? Exactly...
I'm not sure if that makes Shirty more fun or not.
For there's just something utterly ridiculous about seeing Darth Vader or Stephen Harper on Shirty; instantly recognisable faces in a context heretofore unknown.
But, what I do know is that it's really cold in here.
What does that have to do with today's Daily Shirt? Exactly...

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