Impossible to hide that 'stash
Welcome one and some others, to the first post of the first ever theme week on The Daily Shirt. If you missed the special announcement last week, then you most likely didn't get the key code, and thus this next part won't make any sense: selkjnsoivnrn, sldnfwof'lsdnvouw, odnfnwodkwef!
As well, you probably don't know that the theme for this week is The Daily Shirt's Famous Moustaches!
So, today's Daily Shirt has pulled one of those professional transformations that are amusing to watch: He's gone from talk show hack to 'respectable' journalist! Isn't that amazing? If only it were true though. For you see, whilst 'journalist' is a fairly objective term in itself, 'respectable' is less of a widely agreeable conclusion. Is he? Isn't he?
I can't crawl into the man's head with my dynamite and pickaxe, and poke through his grey matter to figure out his deally, but a man who's built his career and persona on sensationalist stories and then moves on over to Fox News to pander to that crowd probably isn't.
But he's got a famous moustache and that fits the criteria, so you'll take a shirting and like it, G!
As well, you probably don't know that the theme for this week is The Daily Shirt's Famous Moustaches!
So, today's Daily Shirt has pulled one of those professional transformations that are amusing to watch: He's gone from talk show hack to 'respectable' journalist! Isn't that amazing? If only it were true though. For you see, whilst 'journalist' is a fairly objective term in itself, 'respectable' is less of a widely agreeable conclusion. Is he? Isn't he?
I can't crawl into the man's head with my dynamite and pickaxe, and poke through his grey matter to figure out his deally, but a man who's built his career and persona on sensationalist stories and then moves on over to Fox News to pander to that crowd probably isn't.
But he's got a famous moustache and that fits the criteria, so you'll take a shirting and like it, G!

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