Fair and balanced...as long as it's a 'guilty' verdict
There must be something in the water over here in Shirtopolus, for this is the second day in a row that Shirty's chosen to become a crazy blonde lady. But this one is crazy for a whole other set of reasons that our previous Shirty head.
Today's Daily Shirt is a former prosecutor and currently has her own guilty-till-proven-innocent talkshow on that bastion of the 'liberal media,' CNN.
And just a quick scanning of her program leaves little wonder why she isn't still in the courtroom, nostrels flaring, as she wildly proclaims that she and she alone is in possession of the truth, though time and time again is proven wrong (witness, see the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping, as well as that dude who was grabbed for the Ramsey murder from a decade ago).
But, as Nazi propagandist Goebbels proclaimed (and I'm paraphrasing here), one must not be right, one must only be louder than the others. You don't need to know, you simply need to make loud, authoratative proclaimations and people will believe. The bigger the lie, the louder it's shouted, the more often it's repeated, the better the chance that it's believed.
And hence her talkshow. A vehicle to influence public opinion, used irresponsibly as a cynical tool to manipulate a generally frightened and confused public that doesn't understand why bad things still happen in enlightened and free America.
Today's Daily Shirt is a former prosecutor and currently has her own guilty-till-proven-innocent talkshow on that bastion of the 'liberal media,' CNN.
And just a quick scanning of her program leaves little wonder why she isn't still in the courtroom, nostrels flaring, as she wildly proclaims that she and she alone is in possession of the truth, though time and time again is proven wrong (witness, see the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping, as well as that dude who was grabbed for the Ramsey murder from a decade ago).
But, as Nazi propagandist Goebbels proclaimed (and I'm paraphrasing here), one must not be right, one must only be louder than the others. You don't need to know, you simply need to make loud, authoratative proclaimations and people will believe. The bigger the lie, the louder it's shouted, the more often it's repeated, the better the chance that it's believed.
And hence her talkshow. A vehicle to influence public opinion, used irresponsibly as a cynical tool to manipulate a generally frightened and confused public that doesn't understand why bad things still happen in enlightened and free America.

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