Rummy - Master Murderer, Immovable Idologue
There's so much - oh so much - that one can say about today's Daily Shirt. Don't worry though, I won't type every possible thing there is to type about this person; that list would be far too long and infinately too sad for such a rambunctious space on the cyberweb.
And such a prolific killer deserves a better bio on a better site than the Shirtmaster General can provide anyway.
So, today, we're going to be positive, positive, positive!
Can't you just feel the positivity just oozing from your computer? Look! Right there; it's coming from your CDROM drive. Eew. Don't touch it; who knows if positivity is toxic. No one comes to this blog anyway - I don't need to be killing the few people that do stop by here. I guess that's not all that positive. Sorry.
Well, how about an amusing anecdote about a ship that sunk? No? That famine/war/plague? Not positive either, eh?
How about we all just agree that, from here on in, persons placed in positions of immense power must be intellects not ideologues; following the agenda of state and not private interests.
Ahhh... Much better.
And such a prolific killer deserves a better bio on a better site than the Shirtmaster General can provide anyway.
So, today, we're going to be positive, positive, positive!
Can't you just feel the positivity just oozing from your computer? Look! Right there; it's coming from your CDROM drive. Eew. Don't touch it; who knows if positivity is toxic. No one comes to this blog anyway - I don't need to be killing the few people that do stop by here. I guess that's not all that positive. Sorry.
Well, how about an amusing anecdote about a ship that sunk? No? That famine/war/plague? Not positive either, eh?
How about we all just agree that, from here on in, persons placed in positions of immense power must be intellects not ideologues; following the agenda of state and not private interests.
Ahhh... Much better.

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