Rhymes with 'freight kazoo'
Long a staple of my cartoon diet as a youngin', today's Daily Shirt was a supporting character on this program; a key ingredient to forming lasting, realistic impressions of life...ummm...in cartoon form.
So, if my life (or anyone else's, for that matter), were actually a cartoon, we'd be totally set!
It's amazing to think about all the cool things that would happen if that we're the case. For one, no one in cartoons gets bills. It's like everything's all taken care of for them. They just need to worry about having wacky adventures. No problem.
No one gets hurt in cartoons, either. Okay, if you count 'pride' or 'ego' damage, than sure, there is hurt. But everyone - everyone - who was part of the G.I. Joe legacy has simply the worst aim ever. Witness that airplanes are dropping bombs, those funny pink and blue laser bolts (?) are flying back and forth and...nothing. Everyone's still there in the end. No matter how much stuff blows up in the intrim.
You can have an anvil dropped on you (or fall off a cliff or get hit by a truck or...) and it's little more than an inconvienence. Next scene comes up, and at best an arm is in a sling or there's a bandaid on the forehead.
I wish I was a crudely drawn animation who is part of a negligible sub-plot...
So, if my life (or anyone else's, for that matter), were actually a cartoon, we'd be totally set!
It's amazing to think about all the cool things that would happen if that we're the case. For one, no one in cartoons gets bills. It's like everything's all taken care of for them. They just need to worry about having wacky adventures. No problem.
No one gets hurt in cartoons, either. Okay, if you count 'pride' or 'ego' damage, than sure, there is hurt. But everyone - everyone - who was part of the G.I. Joe legacy has simply the worst aim ever. Witness that airplanes are dropping bombs, those funny pink and blue laser bolts (?) are flying back and forth and...nothing. Everyone's still there in the end. No matter how much stuff blows up in the intrim.
You can have an anvil dropped on you (or fall off a cliff or get hit by a truck or...) and it's little more than an inconvienence. Next scene comes up, and at best an arm is in a sling or there's a bandaid on the forehead.
I wish I was a crudely drawn animation who is part of a negligible sub-plot...

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