That's just super...
I'm not a fan myself, but the phenomenon of comic book-based superheroes and their appeal is an interesting sociological phenomenon. That, and the singing of 'Happy Birthday.' Except that superheroes aren't nearly as annoying as that ridiculous song, nor has the tune ever saved the world from a mad genious who's bent on destroying the world with a super-photon radiological disbursement...uhh...penguin. Who shoots lasers from his little penguin eyes...
It seems like superheroes are male (typically - no offense to the females out there who are into this stuff) escapism - complete with the action, adventure and (most importantly) large-breasted and generally impossibly-proportioned females either superheroing or being superheroed that real life is devoid of.
Unless you count the social revolutionaries, leaders of nation-states, religious figures, intellectual visionaries, larger-than-life celebrities in general and a few other catagories of humanity that I'm no doubtedly forgeting, as 'superheroes.' In which case, buy stock in textiles, as the demand for spandex and capes is going to explode...once we figure out a colour scheme for the likes of Vlad Putin, al-Sistani, Francis Fukuyama and Dame Edna...
It seems like superheroes are male (typically - no offense to the females out there who are into this stuff) escapism - complete with the action, adventure and (most importantly) large-breasted and generally impossibly-proportioned females either superheroing or being superheroed that real life is devoid of.
Unless you count the social revolutionaries, leaders of nation-states, religious figures, intellectual visionaries, larger-than-life celebrities in general and a few other catagories of humanity that I'm no doubtedly forgeting, as 'superheroes.' In which case, buy stock in textiles, as the demand for spandex and capes is going to explode...once we figure out a colour scheme for the likes of Vlad Putin, al-Sistani, Francis Fukuyama and Dame Edna...

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