A side-kick is still a star, just with a smaller entourage/drug problem/fan base
Today's Daily Shirt is the result of me standing in the check-out line at the grocery store, glazing over while staring at all of the various magazine covers: People, and their celebrity-mongering; Teen People, and their umm...teen celebrity-mongering; The National Enquirer, and their reports of aliens and/or Satan and/or Nostradamus impregnating and/or probing and/or abducting batboy and/or Anna Nicole Smith and/or crop circles; and of course, Guns, Bikini Models And Micro-Biology...you know, the usual supermarket-aisle-suspects...
All I wanted to do was pay for my bananas and pizza buns and go back to the office to have lunch, and who comes swimming into view? She's a full-fledged side-kick (to an earlier Daily Shirt even! What are the odds?), and apparently has an eating disorder (according to Celebrities Who Would Puke On You As Soon As They Would Run You Over In A DWI Incident - Magazine). Can you guess who it is? Here's another clue: If she wasn't on the cover of a magazine, it's quite likely that she could just as easily be the girl asking me for the $1.36 that those bananas cost me. Such is the breadth and depth of her impact...
All I wanted to do was pay for my bananas and pizza buns and go back to the office to have lunch, and who comes swimming into view? She's a full-fledged side-kick (to an earlier Daily Shirt even! What are the odds?), and apparently has an eating disorder (according to Celebrities Who Would Puke On You As Soon As They Would Run You Over In A DWI Incident - Magazine). Can you guess who it is? Here's another clue: If she wasn't on the cover of a magazine, it's quite likely that she could just as easily be the girl asking me for the $1.36 that those bananas cost me. Such is the breadth and depth of her impact...

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