What would you rather?
Today's Daily Shirt is proving to be another tough writing assignment.
It must be eloquent but informative, honest but compassionate, and, most importantly, neither too tall nor too short. This is critical.
Today, we have a man, who after many, many years of failthfully feeding at the corporate news trough and dutifully regurgitating as the anchor for a nightly news program, has had his career essentially ended for him through what looks like chicanery. Tough to say. But really, who among us hasn't been screwed out of a news anchor job???
Reminds me of my days back at CNBSCABFNNOX (Cable News, something, something, something, in case you were wondering...) I had the 3:00-3:10 AM talking head spot when, unceremoniously, I had the carpet - stained with the blood of all who came before - yanked right out from under me, just over a little slip up about the impending nuclear armageddon that sorta didn't happen. Though in retroperspective, the bloodied carpet should have been a giveaway that things weren't going to go well, regardless...
It must be eloquent but informative, honest but compassionate, and, most importantly, neither too tall nor too short. This is critical.
Today, we have a man, who after many, many years of failthfully feeding at the corporate news trough and dutifully regurgitating as the anchor for a nightly news program, has had his career essentially ended for him through what looks like chicanery. Tough to say. But really, who among us hasn't been screwed out of a news anchor job???
Reminds me of my days back at CNBSCABFNNOX (Cable News, something, something, something, in case you were wondering...) I had the 3:00-3:10 AM talking head spot when, unceremoniously, I had the carpet - stained with the blood of all who came before - yanked right out from under me, just over a little slip up about the impending nuclear armageddon that sorta didn't happen. Though in retroperspective, the bloodied carpet should have been a giveaway that things weren't going to go well, regardless...

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